08-03-2017: v8.2, Krita 3.1.2 - If it works, don't fix it: 10 brushes added, minor update for 2.I hope it helps if your work-flow was dependent of a specific setting in my 8.2 brushkit. Here is a graph of the evolution and merging. I merged the one duplicate, and decorated other one to be consistent with the way brushes were sorted. I couldn't port all my brushkit to Krita and keeping exactly the same.
Just download Krita 4.0, they are part of it by default. You can read the fully illustrated documentation here: I am now really happy using them, and happy to share them too!
You can read the Git commit here if you want full details. I triaged them, painted new thumbnails, took care about sorting them, renaming them, optimizing them and polishing the settings. My mission was to merge my brushkit 8.2, my Charcoal Pencils and wet brushes into a collection of new presets made with feedback of the community and merge also brushes submitted by Ramon Miranda, Wolthera, Pablo Cazorla, Rad, Scott Petrovic, Razvan and other. So, I was sponsored by the Krita foundation in March to work on the default brush kit for Krita 4.0. The result of a survey made by the Krita foundation over social network reported you were a large majority using my brushkit 8.2.